Regarding FWN

Buddhike Kurera bckurera at
Tue Mar 13 16:04:49 UTC 2012

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Pascal Calarco <pvcalarco at> wrote:
> The biggest challenge for getting FWN out the door right now is not technical really, it is finding enough writers who can commit to producing an FWN beat every week.  This of course has been a perennial concern, but it has been increasingly an issue.  For the past year or so, I have been writing three FWN beats plus doing the editing and distribution.  Ideally the editor should only have to do the editing.  Besides the Fedora Insight and FWN teams, I would suggest talking to a variety of places in the Fedora leadership --FAmSCo, Robyn Bergeron (FPL), Fedora Marketing (which is also in need of rebuilding), perhaps others, to see if there are volunteers that can be enticed to produce FWN or Insight content on a regular basis.


Thanks for your quick reply.

As you have noted if the number of beat writers are lacking then we
can try to automate the process a bit.
For an example I have written some ambassador beasts. The whole FAm
beat can be made available with a script.
( a script to dig the pipemail and extract things required and arrange
them, pretty systematic way)
Then only an editor is required and that is easy than copy pasting
things manually.

If we discuss with other beat writers we can figure out the
possibility for their bets as well. AFAIK, the insight
helps the publishing part instead the conventional wiki editing
process. Therefor we can put a step forward and make the
beat writing process smoother. Once the initial infra is setup the
whole system can be managed with less effor.
I think this would be a good investment and if needed the GSOC 2012
students' support may be obtained. (a project idea)

Thanks again.

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador Sri Lanka
Event Liaison - Design Team

Email: bckurera at | IRC: bckurera

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