[fedora-my] UM Laptop Grand Sale

Akira~XD akirasama89 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 07:20:27 UTC 2009

The mailing list seems to look a bit crazy after a while.... Thanks for
setting up the wiki page! Now... thanks for the great response!
First, some answers... I don't believe there's any other sort of hotspot
there... generally the UM wifi is quite ok... but the broadband signals in
UM is quite good if anyone has a wireless broadband...

As for the computer specs... I'll email them sometime this weekend after I
get the info from my project leader. Looks like we can use two of the
display models if the provider is ok with it.

So confirm with me again if you can make it by telling me or putting your
name up on the wiki.

So far there is:
Mohd Syafarul Razi
sweemeng (and friend??)

am I missing anyone??

Thanks so much!

Yours sincerely,
Adila aka akirasama89

ps: No news about banners or promo material?
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