[fedora-my] Volunteers for UM Laptop Grand Sale

Ahmad Zulkarnain sniffit at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 12:54:43 UTC 2009

OK guys and gals, we need to get some solid volunteers for the UM 
showcase, so sign up under the volunteer list and indicate the days 
which you will be coming to help man the booth as well as answer 
questions on Fedora 11 and other related matters.

for those who are indicated in the notes, please update it accordingly, 
or contact wariola for wiki updates.

@akirasama, what time do you need the volunteers to show up and where 
should they meet up with you on the day of the event.

@razi, please indicate the days that you are coming.

@aziz, confirm and indicate any special circumstances in the notes


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