[fedora-my] Fwd: FW: Tell Your Friends!

Izhar Firdaus kagesenshi.87 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 15:31:37 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 11:41 PM, Harisfazillah
Jamel<linuxmalaysia at gmail.com> wrote:
> Let them know
> office politics, tendang terajang and know new things
> that SMB could not give.
> at the end of the day, they will gain knowledge
> that our country need....

I disagree.

office politics is good? how does an environment where people are
trying hard to keep everyone behind them is defined as good?.

Politics: "social relations involving intrigue to gain authority or
power;" - princeton dictionary

"oh this guy is trying to be better than me, make life miserable  for him!!"
"this new guy is doing all these tech stuff .. pfft..  show off!! ..
make life miserable for him!!!"
"this new guy looks like a threat to our position.. make life
miserable for him!!"

those are basically the office politics that i've heard and seen .. I
know i dont want to be in such environment .. as it kills motivation
.. and if i hang around there too long .. i'll be infected by the
stupidity too .. its sad to see many people, come into companies with
great ideals, great visions, but end up demotivated, deteriorated, at
the end of the day.

young people should go for something which least restrict their
movements, so that they does not kill their own mind ... go for
adventures, learn the hard way through failures (not through people
preventing your movements) .. and fight to survive .. gain experience
on doing something different, something risky, while still young, as
once you get old, you wont have chances to do such thing anymore ...
especially those who thinks they want to have family, once you got a
family, i assure you, you'll be shit afraid of taking such risks...

> Rather than making noise and keep blaming others
> lets fix the problems.

one of the fix i see currently,

stop going to old companies which can't no longer change themselves,
go to young companies, which you can shape , and try your best to
shape the young company culture, to value creativity and flexibilty

Red Hat can do it, Google can do it .. why not we? .. in Inigo, thats
our goal :D ..

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail
Amano Hikaru  天野晃 「あまの ひかる」
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
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