[fedora-my] Help with translation?

Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalaysia at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 09:35:40 UTC 2009


Im willing to take part on this translation (terjemahan in malay). How we
are going to proceed.

Thank you.

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 5:13 AM, Ruediger Landmann<r.landmann at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I'm a Red Hat content author who contributes to a number of Fedora
> documents, including the Release Notes, Installation Guide, and User Guide,
> and I'd like to ask for a volunteer to help me with some Malay translations
> please. Don't worry -- I'm not asking you to translate whole books -- not
> yet, anyway ;)
> From Fedora 11 onwards, we're building most of the Fedora documents with a
> new publication tool, named Publican. This tool makes it easy to build a
> wide range of document types (html, pdf, text, even RPM) from a single set
> of XML files. You can read more about it here:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Publican and here:
> https://fedorahosted.org/publican/
> By default, every book produced in Publican includes introductory text that
> explains the markup conventions used in the book, and invites readers to
> submit feedback. You can see these sections in a mockup document (in
> English) here: http://rlandmann.fedorapeople.org/Common_Content/en.html
> At the moment, any documentation that gets translated into Malay will
> display these sections in English, because Publican doesn't know Malay yet
> :)
> To get Publican working in Malay, three files must be translated:
> 1. The file that contains the Feedback section
> 2. The file that contains the Document Conventions section
> 3. a file that contains about 150 common words (like "Chapter", "Book",
> "Author", "Index") -- translating this file will help not only Publican, but
>  also any other software that uses Docbook XML.
> Is there anyone on the list who is willing to help me with these?
> Cheers
> Ruediger
> Brisbane, Australia
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