[fedora-my] [events] Saito College Visit

syamsul anuar wariola at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 16:18:29 UTC 2009


Today me, Selpiso and Kamarul managed to visit Saito college to see for
ourselves the venue for our launch party. Saito college is kind enough to
offer the Fedora Malaysia team the venue for our inaugural launch party
which will be on the 4th of July 2009. The College is located at Petaling
Jaya, really close to the MBPJ Tower and just besides the famous Strawberry
Fields restaurant. The nearest Putra station will be Taman Jaya and the
walking distance should be around 500 meter (didnt test yet though..).

The college had just renovated itself from the old Saito College just
opposite the new location. It is home to multiple courses among others are
design, security management and IT. The owner is the currently also the
owner of Securicor (the armored car company). The IT School is interested to
Fedora due to the demand from the student, branding and also value add to
their students. I met with the college consultant, Dean / Head of IT school
and 2 lecturers to discuss the matters with them. Some of the pictures are
below (not good quality / angle. /me not adliazaddin with great camera).


Our basic needs which are Internet, plugs and air conditioning is / will be
taken care of by them. We can use their brand new hall downstairs for the
party and the room should accommodate around 80+ pax. For the food, the
college is trying to arrange them, but my idea upon visiting them is that we
can just lepak downstairs at the Strawberry Fields and have our own lunch.
Logistics part should be straight forward and suggest to put the google map
on our wiki page later on.

The second part is the content. It is suggested by the college to put out an
introduction about FOSS ecosystem, why it is born, what is fedora, and how
fedora works in the entire ecosystem etc so that the student will have and
appreciate what is FOSS is all about. As the current uptake among the
students are currently very low, also suggested to put some basic and fun
content about Fedora (e.g. Fedora Music Server, Web, simple virtualization,
cool software etc) to generate the excitement among the students. Also
suggest that Yondie (if he is available) to talk about security as some of
their courses over in Saito is about that subject matter. In the artwork
matter, Apogee can show some of his kung-fu with regards to GIMP and
Inkscape to the art student.

Lastly about what we need. I would love to suggest that we came out with the
posters (A4) printable around the college to generate the excitement. Also
banners for the event to show out at the college and some picture taking
later. On the part of the CDs I think sniffit is doing something about it
and will report later, but suggest to have some big stack of it to giveaway
to the students with the right packaging. For the goodies / momentos /
lanyards, would like to have some support from Red Hat Malaysia to assist on
that (by copy Kennie, can you do something about it?).

I open for discussion.
.: war|ola :.
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