[fedora-my] post-release party aftermath :P

Adli Azaddin adliazaddin at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 02:34:10 UTC 2010


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail <
kagesenshi.87 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks to those who came to the party :D ..
> Anyway, here's a summary on the small discussion we had on a potential
> pet project for fedoramy:
> codename: Armory
> =================
> Armory is a tool for developing remix, and managing remix kickstarts
> Primary goals:
>  * improve revisor (or write a replacement)
>  * come up with a mechanism for cleanly overwriting files from
> upstream package,
>   while not removing them.
>  * a tool to manage kickstarts and kickstart inheritance
> Sideline goal
>  * Create several remixes to test out/figure out issues with the code for
> the
>   primary goals
> More Details:
> Ok, this will involve lots of coding for a long period of time. Considering
> our
> community doesnt have that many coders in the first place, this can be
> tricky
> to boot. So probably I'll be doing some programming classes for the first
> few
> months to the interested team, but that all will depend on how dedicated
> are
> the volunteers are.
> Anyway, for a start, I've spent yesterday creating an initial
> buildout-powered
> egg package for armory which have been somewhat isolated from the system
> python.
> Feature wise, it can build a livecd without issue (thanks to the
> livecd-creator
> libraries)
> The code is here : https://dev.inigo-tech.com/svn/izhar/armory.core/trunk/
> To deploy, you'll need to be on Fedora 14, with these dependencies
> installed from
> yum:
>  * git
>  * subversion
>  * python-urlgrabber
>  * python-pycurl
>  * rpm-python
>  * libselinux-python
>  * system-config-keyboard
>  * dbus-python
> Then, run these commands::
>    svn co https://dev.inigo-tech.com/svn/izhar/armory.core/trunk/armory.core
>    cd armory.core
>    python bootstrap.py
>    ./bin/buildout -vvv
> That should automatically build armory and pull other python dependencies
> from
> the internet.
> You can create a livecd using:
>    ./bin/armory-cli <name> <path/to/kickstart.ks>
> Caching is enforced by default and is stored in /var/tmp/imgcreate-cache
> You can create a configuration file to configure the cache location
>    [main]
>    tempdir = /home/user/armory-tmp
>    cachedir = /home/user/armory-cache
> and run armory using:
>    ./bin/armory-cli -c </path/to/config.cfg> <name> <path/to/kickstart.ks>
> And that will make use of the values in the configuration
> You can also configure a mirror overwrite in the configuration. eg:
>    [jaist]
>    fedora =
> http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/14/Everything/x86_64/os/
>    updates = http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/updates/14/x86_64/
> and you can make use of the mirror using:
>    ./bin/armory-cli -c </path/to/config.cfg> <name>
> <path/to/kickstart.ks> -m jaist
> Also, looking at the code of revisor, probably it makes more sense to
> just dump revisor and
> start writing a new tool .. XD .. the livecd, install cd generator
> code seems to be external
> libraries anyway.
> --
> Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
> Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
> http://www.inigo-tech.com
> Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
> http://blog.kagesenshi.org
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