[fedora-my] MYGOSSCON 2010 BoF

wariola at gmail.com wariola at gmail.com
Wed Oct 20 16:10:23 UTC 2010

Salam All,

As U know MYGOSSCON BoF is coming soon and Red Hat will be participating in

As a corporate sponsor, they are allocated a BoF session and Red Hat is
asking us the community to represent them during the BoF (its on Nov 2nd
2010, 5.30pm - 6.30pm). All the community are cordially invited for this
session, male or female, young or old, big or small, handsome or not
handsome, all are invited.

I need idea form you guys what topic you think is interesting and can cater
to this government audience. It can be any topic related to Fedora and RHEL.
Kage already send some suggestions and I have some idea but still your guys
input might be better than what we can think of.

Any volunteers to do the presentation is also welcomed as always its either
me or kage most of the time :p  We need new Fedora-my community leaders

Look forward to ideas from u guys. BTW we need to confirm it before

.: war|ola :.
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