[fedora-my] Mozilla Malaysia Localization Camp #mozmyl10n 2011

Muhammad Syafiq creativeneuron8 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 07:18:30 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

just to announce about this event,

*Mozilla Malaysia Localization Camp  #mozmyl10n 2011 *


Mozilla Localization (L10n) camp promotes software localization of Mozilla
software using web based localization tool Narro (https://l10n.mozilla.org/n

This hands-on camp is conducted by experienced member of Localization Team
or technology evangelist in a jargon-free language. The camps brings about
interaction among experienced localization team members and the participants
of the camp. The camp also help improve the quality of the existing
localization using the translation review methods.


Enable non-technical participants learn to contribute translations using
simple web based interface
Community building with interaction among new and experienced localization
team members
Improve translation quality using peer review


20 minute talk (with slides, exercises and demo)
Workout Session (Participants work on exercise and translations in small
teams assisted by an experienced member of Localization team)
Material (Handbook, exercise sheets)
Software (USB pen drive with Locale specific fonts, keyboard layout

Lack of Internet access
Narro is still in development, users experienced connection failures
Unavailable of experienced Localization team members
Non-standard language code page issues

@barcampkl 2011 cyberjaya

What time to spend for session

1-2 Hours (after dinner, night session)


to encourage more people to join this simple work and Awareness about
mozilla project which they may contributing with this localization project

*Vision *

More people joining contributing in Mozilla Project.

Any question,

send post to https://lists.mozilla.org/​listinfo/community-malaysi​a or
facebook "Mozilla Malaysia Community"

Thank you.

Selamat Berpuasa!

محمد شافق بن مذلي
Muhammad Syafiq Bin Mazli
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