[fedora-my] Planning FAD at UKM

Prima Yogi Loviniltra jurankdankkal at fedoraproject.org
Sat Aug 4 13:23:43 UTC 2012

#Fix Updates!

Event Name     : Fedora Activity Day (FAD) 2012 @ UKM 2012
Date                : Saturday, 29 September 2012
Venue Address : Faculty of Science and Information (FTSM), Universiti
Kebangssan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi [1]
Organizer         : Fedora Malaysia & NUMOSS [2]
Wiki                 : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:KL-UKM_2012 (has
not been updated)
Budget             : All of the budget (promo, marketing and food) are from
NUMOSS budget
Main topic        : Linux for Kids (Using Fedora SOAS) [3]

What we are going to do :
-Venue 1
Around 40 people (Parent and Teacher) will hear about Open Source n Linux
talk, especially about Linux for Kids
-Venue 2
FAD talk open for public
Around 36 student will particiapte in programming competition for kids at
noon, before that at the moring they will get a training first from NUMOSS
or Fedora-My team.

In this event we also sell the Fedora SOAS on USB Stick to everyone who
want it..
For Parent, Teacher and Student must to pay to participate in this
event to confirm
the presence and formality because a limited number of participants, around
RM 5 and with Fedora SOAS RM 25 (not fix price).

*Best Regards,*

*PRIMA YOGI LOVINILTRA *(jurankdankkal)
Fedora Project Contributor & Ambassador (Malaysia & Indonesia)
GPG key ID: 4D7DA21A7A961A3A

Twitter/FB/G+: @Loviniltra
*Mobile Phone: (6)016 640 0385*
*Wiki: *http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jurankdankkal
*Blog: **http://loviniltra.com/*
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