[fedora-my] Fedora 17 CDs - was picked up? how many left?

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail kagesenshi.87 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 15:17:31 UTC 2012

anyway what have passed have passed ..

poke nasrun and check how many we can get back .. he can keep 10-15 ..
but we need the rest .. theres still 5 more months before the Fedora
18 .. and theres we'll need some for these:

1 - FADs,
2 - CampusCamps
3 - HiTB
4 - Other meetups

On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:13 PM, Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail
<kagesenshi.87 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Prima Yogi Loviniltra
> <jurankc0d3 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So If Bang Nasrun still keep the CD we still have around 60 CD..
>> I'll try ping him..
>> Yesterday I've already also keep around 80+50(Nasrun) but today kull also
>> separate it..
>> I dunno If we just got 200 per 6 month, cz I ask Bang Nasrun n Jipang we can
>> request again..
> well .. harish only produce it once every 6 month .. and they are
> _all_ on the way being distributed across APAC as we speak .. and
> nasrun and jipang are not the people who have been dealing with
> requesting CDs .. its usually either me or wariola ..
> so no more request until next release .. in fact , freemedia budget is
> one of those which is difficult to approve .. the Fedora Free Media
> team (sniffit was in it), they all  produce free media using their own
> personal money, so its unfair if the Ambassador team get budget to
> produce free media..
> best case is that you can get some money to buy blank CDs , but you'll
> have to burn yourself (and destroy your CD burner along the way) ..
>> I only give to the people that I think really interested..
>> So MavJS told to me he will request it again?
> likely he didnt know the information that theres only limited amount
> of CDs produced every 6 month .. you guys are both new ...
> --
> Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
> Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
> http://www.inigo-tech.com
> Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
> http://blog.kagesenshi.org
> 92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866  5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866  5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331

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