[fedora-my] Culture Freedom Day on FUDCon KL 2012

Seatux seatux86 at gmail.com
Tue May 15 12:17:32 UTC 2012


In regards to this, I have one proposal

1. A short intro on what is Free Culture

This is where things can get varied:

Alt 1. X Factor/Got Talent Style mini event. Got prizes like any extra
FUDCon Swag or even packets of Instant Coffee

Alt 2. Open stage/mic event. Just let anyone on stage for no apparent
material gain.

Alt 3. FUDCon Pune Route: Open dance floor. Play some Dance Hall style
tunes and dance away.

Alt 4. Scary stories circle: Like in summer animes?

Izhar would have to mention the session and for any interested participants
to bring their own equipments ie: musical instruments and amps, props for
plays and sketches.

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