[fedora-my] Keynote for Day 2 (was: re: MELAKA CM Can't Make It)

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail kagesenshi.87 at gmail.com
Wed May 16 04:17:09 UTC 2012

ping jwulf,

if you can slip in some points about contributing to FOSS world .. i
think your topika talk can be a keynote in day2 ..

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail
<kagesenshi.87 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi cwickert,
> day2 will be focusing on non-technical non-fedora audience, basically
> topics to encourage people (individuals, edu institution, companies)
> to start contributing to Fedora and FOSS in general. So something that
> set the tone for the day would be cool.
> any keynote topics related to that ?
> p/s: i would love to hear the talk "Leadership in leaderless
> organizations" though not sure whether it fits into the tone of day2
> ..
> On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 1:51 AM, Christoph Wickert
> <cwickert at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> Am Dienstag, den 15.05.2012, 23:00 +0800 schrieb Mohd Izhar Firdaus
>> Ismail:
>>> /me pokes cwickert & jwulf ..
>>> either of you want to give a keynote on day 2? :-)
>> Sure, I think I could do something.
>> I am thinking of something about community in general and either
>> "Leadership in leaderless organizations" or
>> "Building a FOSS eco system" in particular. The first one would be more
>> about community while the latter would be more business oriented. What
>> would you like better?
>> Joshua, you have a better idea? If so, shoot! :)
>> Kind regards,
>> Christoph
> --
> Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
> Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
> http://www.inigo-tech.com
> Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
> http://blog.kagesenshi.org
> 92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866  5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331

Mohd Izhar Firdaus Bin Ismail / KageSenshi
Inigo Consulting (FOSS/Plone Development, Training & Services)
Fedora Malaysia Contributor & Ambassador
92C2 B295 B40B B3DC 6866  5011 5BD2 584A 8A5D 7331

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