[fedora-my] MELAKA CM Can't Make It

Gurdip Singh gurdip at apiit.edu.my
Wed May 16 09:15:46 UTC 2012

Ouch! Get well soon, Harish.


-----Original Message-----
From: malaysian-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org [mailto:malaysian-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of Harish Pillay
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:56 PM
To: Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail
Cc: Fedora Malaysia; Christoph Wickert; Harish Pillay
Subject: Re: [fedora-my] MELAKA CM Can't Make It

* on the Wed, May 16, 2012 at 01:49:51PM +0800, Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail was commenting:
| murphy's law showing its face >.<
| harish contacted that he sprained his leg ... he might not be able to 
| give the opening keynote ..

i went for my usual runs and about 400m out, my left calf felt that it got hit by some rock and then a sharp cramp. i stopped for a while and tried to stretch out and it did not subside. I decided to limp back to my car and went home. i iced it and got all the rehydration salts that i could get my hands on and this morning, the calf was still sore and very tight.  

i went to the sports doc and he said that what i have is what is called a "tennis calf injury" [0] - tennis because that was where it was first reported on tennis courts.

[0] http://www.sportsmedicineofatlanta.com/reference/tennis_leg_common_sports_injury.html

so, i am in a dilemma. everything i have been doing for the last few weeks was to get this fudcon happen successfully. i am also faced with a long airflight to new york on may 26th for which i have to rest well and have to make the hard decision on whether i should go to kl or not.

i am really disappointed, but i think i need to give my calf time to heal and so i will have to miss this fudcon (damn, it is happening in my neck of the woods and i am not there!!).

so there.

| how about this ..
| @cwickert, can you give the "Leadership in leaderless organization"
| talk as the opening keynote?
| @jwulf, your intro to topika will remain in day1 as scheduled , and 
| "Four Keys to Increased Participation in FOSS Projects" will be the 
| keynote for Day 2 (or do you wish to merge them?)
| ^.^

i could use twinkle to do a voip and send my presentation over for someone to click through or (ahem) use google hangout and stream something as well. 


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