[fedora-my] Design FUDCon Coupon Lunch and Tea Break

Gurdip Singh gurdip at apiit.edu.my
Thu May 17 05:47:16 UTC 2012

Hi Yogi,

The food coupon does not have date / time on it. Only the tea breaks. Can you please edit and send back. Am really tied down with logistical work



From: malaysian-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org [mailto:malaysian-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of Prima Yogi Loviniltra
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 2:21 AM
To: Fedora Malaysia
Cc: Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail
Subject: [fedora-my] Design FUDCon Coupon Lunch and Tea Break

Guys, here the design for FUDCon Coupon for Lunch and Tea Break..
For the FUDPub dinner, I'll try send it tomorrow..

"Niche of Unified Members for Open Source Socialization"

Best Regards,

Prima Yogi Loviniltra

National University of Malaysia Open Source Society (NUMOSS)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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