[fedora-my] Info that I need

Harish Pillay hpillay at redhat.com
Fri May 18 00:16:47 UTC 2012

| 4. About Fedora Foundation, Fedora Core OS - Need info on Fedora MY, & how
| we got to host this conference

There isn't anything like a Fedora Foundation. Fedora Core is just 

Fedora Malaysia got to run this FUDCon by a bidding process in which
they'd have to state how they would do this, why it should be done
in Malaysia etc.  The bidding was against it being held in Beijing,
Manila or Kuala Lumpur.  The eventual vote was done by the the
Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee who'd recommend the location
and then the Fedora Project Leader will make the final call.

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