[fedora-my] FUDCONKL 2012 Postmortem Meeting.

Gurdip Singh gurdip at apiit.edu.my
Mon May 21 13:43:27 UTC 2012


Thanks for the update. I will be there as requested.

Kind regards

From: malaysian-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org [mailto:malaysian-users-bounces at lists.fedoraproject.org] On Behalf Of ahmad zulkarnain
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 5:47 PM
To: Fedora Malaysia
Subject: [fedora-my] FUDCONKL 2012 Postmortem Meeting.

In light of the clashing schedules, there will be a postmortem meeting. Below are the details.

Date           : 23/05/2012 ( Wednesday)
Time           : 1930 hours (7.30pm)
Location      : L 2-6, APIIT-UCTI
Chairperson : sniffit
Attendees    : APIIT-UCTI volunteers (mandatory, no excuses)
                     Gurdip Singh (pending confirmation)
                     Izhar Firdaus (pending confirmation)
                     Ye Myat (pending confirmation)
                     Any of the community crew that is free to attend please make yourself available

Absences should be emailed to me directly instead of replying to the list. Thank you.
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