Someone's missing the's us.

seth vidal skvidal at
Thu Aug 11 15:29:34 UTC 2005

> If people believe this to be the right idea, I believe that we can
> convince Mr. Vidal without too much difficulty.  For instance, Alex is 
> already maintaining the lion's share of FUDCon content at  Why?  
> Because it's easier.

I'm Mr. Vidal now?


Two things going on about the fedora project website.

1. I've asked for money internally to get a bright new shiny box there.
2. I've asked for money externally to get a bright new shiny box there.

One way or the other it's going to happen, I hope, so let's work on that

Some good folks are doing the redesign of the site you can see lots of
it here:

look in the subdirs - that's where the most recent drafts are.

That's coming along well but it's not complete yet. 

now with regard to moving everything to

The biggest logistical headache will be managing accounts of people who
can access change the site and doing it reasonably. There are a few
different options I can think of but I'd like to hear what y'all are


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