Attention / Interest / Desire / Action,, or why marketing 'the Fedora project' is a bad idea.

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Sat Jun 18 12:42:56 UTC 2005

Mike MacCana wrote:

> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Hi
>>> Really? You think more people want to contribute to Fedora than to 
>>> use it?
>> is currently  focussed towards end users
> Let's look at the opening line of
> "The Fedora Project is an open source project sponsored by Red Hat and 
> supported by the Fedora community. It is also a proving ground for new 
> technology that may eventually make its way into Red Hat products. It 
> is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc."
> So far readers don't know:
> - That Fedora is a Linux distro, or an Operating System
> - Why it's good
> - Where to get it
> - Where to get help for it
> They do know:
> - That its Open Source
> - That stuff in it may end up in RHEL
> - That it is not supported by Red Hat
> Given this, are yous sure is currently focused 
> towards end users?
> Mike

It is but it just assumes a different level of expertise than a person 
who doesnt know about computers and operating systems. If you are 
willing to work on improving that, a prototype design similar to the one 
proposed for would be useful


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