Distrowatch: First looks: Fedora Core 5 Test 2

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Wed Jan 18 19:30:56 UTC 2006


There is every indication that we are going from strength to strength 
with this release. So far the responses have been overwhelmingly 
positive. If more of the community members test the third and final test 
release of Fedora Core 5 and make sure we dont get any major issues with 
the GA release, we have a hands down winner here.


It was quite amusing to read my release notes overview quoted literally 
in the review. My only minor gripe is that I didnt specify that it was a 
prerelease of GCC 4.1 compiler and not the final version within the 
overview and got a possible sarcastic comment in return. Ouch!. We made 
the same mistake in the release announcement along with not mentioning 
KDE 3.5 though we got that fixed through a followup, thanks to Jesse 
Keating's nice work as a release manager. For someone's first time, not 
bad, not bad at all ;-) .  Excellent work so far everyone. Just keep 
pushing this till we get a great Fedora Core 5 release out of the door 
and then sit back, relax and watch the community show for Fedora's true 


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