Logo guidelines status

Gain Paolo Mureddu gmureddu at prodigy.net.mx
Fri May 19 00:54:12 UTC 2006

chasd at silveroaks.com escribió:
>> I still wonder why a proprietary font was used for the
>> logo of a project like Fedora
> What font is used in a logo really does not impact the choice of other 
> fonts used in a layout that includes that logo. In fact, it is my 
> opinion that using a font in a layout that is the _same_ as the font 
> used in a logo included in the layout dilutes the impact of the logo. 
> These other fonts certainly could be fonts that are free to use.
> In other words, why would you want to use the font from the logo 
> anywhere else in a design ?
Not the font, but the logo itself, the way I see it they are actually 
two logos: The bubbling f with enclosed within the infinity symbol, and 
the word "fedora" written with the font (for identity), so you have a 
text logo and an image logo.
> I would think the Fedora Project would want to control what other 
> fonts are used in any layouts or graphics, so a consistent image is 
> presented at all times. Is there any work being done on an identity 
> style guide for the Fedora Project ? If you are not sure what I am 
> talking about, Google "identity guide" and take a look how other 
> organizations document best practices on the use of their logos, and 
> creating documents or layouts to present a consistent visual identity.
My point was that Fedora is not free to distribute the whole logo (text 
+  image) due to the fact that the font is not open or free, which seems 
a bit strange for a FLOSS project.

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