"For 2008 media will create Red Hat-Ubuntu war"

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jan 2 10:20:59 UTC 2008

Jonathan Roberts wrote:
>> I think the more important battle is for the public understanding of
>> where upstream development stems from and being better at taking credit
>> for the excellent work Fedora does.
> +1 which is exactly what I think the mission of the marketing team
> should be. Fedora drives a lot of innovation and due to its strong
> belief in working closely with upstream a lot of the innovation quickly
> becomes available to other distributions. Something the article
> overlooked I think: while open source code can benefit everyone, the
> ease with which this happens is influenced by how quickly code gets
> upstream and I'm not convinced Ubuntu, or any distribution, is as good
> at this as Fedora. Anybody got any ideas where we could get some numbers
> on this!?

http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RedHatContributions and in the references. 
People have done various studies on which vendors contribute how much to 
the Linux kernel in particular and Red Hat in usually by a large margin 
the leading contributor. That would probably be the same for GTK and 
GNOME though I don't know of anyone doing any formal analysis. Then 
there are other key pieces like Glibc, GCC and on more desktop neutral 
stuff like HAL, DBus, Cairo, NetworkManager etc.

 From the volunteer community, there are a good number of people who 
contribute to various upstream projects.  A few examples,

http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/BryanSullivan (Mercurial upstream. Refer 
http://lwn.net/Articles/153990/  for a interesting detail).

I am pretty sure there are several dozen more contributors such as these.


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