IcedTea 1.5 Adds PowerPC Java Port

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Thu Jan 3 23:35:51 UTC 2008


This is a pretty good news and a solid improvement over OpenJDK.

"The IcedTea project added a PowerPC Java port (both 32 and 64 bit) of 
OpenJDK. IcedTea 1.5 now also tracks the mercurial repo, provides better 
GNU/Linux integration by using standard system libraries (libpng, 
libjpeg, zlib, giflib) and can be bootstrapped with the free 
gcj/ecj/classpath toolchain. OpenJDK just accepted a new porters group 
and Gary Benson wrote a guide to porting IcedTea that might be the start 
of a lot of other Java ports."


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