Meeting schedule, do we need strict UTC?

Jack Aboutboul jaa at
Wed Apr 8 21:29:37 UTC 2009

Paul Frields wrote:
> I've always thought that (1) teams should be free to set their
> meetings either at strict UTC, or following DST however they can
> agree; and (2) computers work in UTC, and humans work on wall clocks.
> My $DAYJOB schedule, for example, @3:00pm on a Thursday doesn't change
> suddenly in the spring and fall to accommodate UTC.  The same meeting
> I had at 3:00pm the week before stays at 3:00pm and moves according to
> UTC.
> So in short, I'm for staying on human time.  The only time we have to
> worry about a difference is when only some people are on DST and not
> others. Then there's a chance for confusion, so the meeting page
> should set the policy.
For what its worth, IMHO we should go by regular, non-UTC fixed, because 
I wouldnt want to be at a meeting which was at 23:00.


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