2009-10-13 meeting logs... sort of.

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Tue Oct 13 21:40:48 UTC 2009

This week's meeting was a bit odd.

I updated https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda with 
the short version of what I would have said in the meeting. I'll 
elaborate on this later tonight.

The actual meeting time (since most of our usual attendees were absent 
and it wasn't much use to spend time talking about the things on the 
agenda without them) was spent welcoming new contributor Gregory Zysk to 
Fedora and explaining some of Fedora's culture - so for a fascinating 
discussion, take a look at this week's logs.

22:36:24 < zodbot> Minutes:
22:36:25 < zodbot> Minutes (text):
22:36:28 < zodbot> Log:


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