Marketing Plan

stefano alberini alberini.stefano at
Mon Mar 1 14:06:06 UTC 2010

Hello Nelson, it's very interesting this scheme.

It's very good and complete.

I give my idea to simplify because i read and the scheme it's too long (it's
my personal idea, but it's very complet). It's a draft, i wait the opinion
and the experience of all community.

*1) Objective to reach of the Fedora Project (next 2 years)*

*2) Analysis (Swot)*

*3) Marketing Strategy *
3.1)* segmentation/targeting* (how many cluster of users, and what is the
target or the targets) and *positioning *(what advantege the product have
instead of the other OS and the other Linux Distro ? why a customer must
chioce Fedora?),
3.2) *Marketing Mix: Product *(new feature of the distro, design, brand,
user frinedly, harware support, driver, advantage for the desktop user,
advantage for the advanced user, simplicity ), *Price *(Switching costs,
what's kind of Switching costs material and immaterial one user must do to
change OS ? Which Swithching costs (list)), *Promotion *(Media Plan, Target,
Objectives, Message, Media choice, Budget, Media Mix, Measuring results,
Ambassador project), *Place *(where the users can find Fedora? Pc with
Fedora, CD, LInux User Group, Torrent, Which Web Site, ...); *User
Value*(What are the needs of the users? What they look for an OS?);

*4) Marketing Tools* (List and description of the marketing tools used, the
Open Source Marketing Tools) *and here you must help me....*

*5) Check, Monitoring and Update of the plan every 2 month*

It's only a proposal... OPEN...i hope in the contribute of every community

Thank you

Alberini Stefano
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