
Mel Chua mel at
Mon Mar 22 12:49:52 UTC 2010

>   I'm back. Currently I'm working full time on my event, this goes through a lot,
> making presentations, exploring new actions that can be done and eventually I'm
> following Rodrigo's idea of establishing a national Fedora Community.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Nelson - I see you've also been 
blogging, which is great. Is this something you'd like to bring up and 
discuss at the next meeting (tomorrow), perhaps, so we can get a better 
idea of how we might be able to help you?

>   I've also worked a bit my wiki skills

Woo wiki skills!

> and during the next days I'm going to
> finish the website for the event, get the domain running and sort some stuff
> out.

Ok - depending on what you do, you may need to ask the Board for 
trademark usage permission. There are details on, and the most 
relevant parts are probably 
(for which you don't need permission) and 
(you can get a http://<location> domain name).

Welcome back!


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