[In the news] Fedora 14: Strong follow-up to 13 still suffers from same niche appeal

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 07:50:47 UTC 2010


Author makes the point that the Live CD installation is somewhat
minimalistic and doesn't give a full set of tools for the desktop by default


"Don’t get me wrong, Fedora 14 is a great installation in the Fedora
time line. It builds upon the strengths of Fedora 13. My biggest problem
is in what was left out. It is my belief that ALL Linux distributions
(the exception being the likes of Puppy Linux and other small to tiny
distributions - as well as rescue distributions) should ship with all
the tools necessary to get to work out-of-the-box (on top of the
standard and system tools)."


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