[Ambassadors] F21 media

Matthew Miller mattdm at fedoraproject.org
Wed Oct 1 16:31:54 UTC 2014

On Wed, Oct 01, 2014 at 06:07:05PM +0200, Jiri Eischmann wrote:
> We don't have money for special media for particular events. That's
> something we may be able to cover from reserves (if we have any :) ).

As I understand it, there's at least some.

> There is also a practical problem with production. The vendor we're
> using doesn't even produce pressed DVDs in quantities under 1000 and
> burnt DVDs are pretty expensive (up to $1.5 per DVD). DVD production in
> small quantities is expensive.

Optical drives are an increasing rarity in new computers. They'll be going
the way of the floppy soon enough. I think that for next year, we should
deemphasize DVDs overall, instead focusing on fliers and promotional
material. I know this is _also_ an extra cost, but I think it would be worth
printing these on demand per-event with event-specific URLs, so we can
better judge return rates.

If we move to USB sticks (rather than just ditching media altogether), I
think we should follow the suggestions from earlier threads and raise the
bar for getting one — perhaps even to the point of asking people to sign up
for a Fedora account (and promising no spam, of course) if they don't have
one, and visiting Badges to get the badge for that conference.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
Fedora Project Leader

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