F21 media

Amita Sharma amsharma at redhat.com
Thu Sep 4 16:32:59 UTC 2014

On 09/04/2014 07:52 PM, Chris Roberts wrote:
> <Do we really need server media? I'd expect that in most environments
> <where someone is using the server product they 1) have sufficient
> <bandwidth to download the image, and 2) have the expertise to handle
> <creating their own USB or CD/DVD.
> <I'd keep it simple and produce the Workstation image for events/user
> <groups, and maybe a "getting started" card for server/cloud that directs
> <people to the downloads/cloud images.

I respect all views here, but I am afraid we should not be limiting our 
users to workstation only by doing this.
Any new comer or some one who have limitations to download images should 
not by default directing to workstation only.

This is first time we are going with fedora.next and with product wise 
concept, so is it not good to have them all available as media for users 
to try out without going through the hassle of downloading and creating 

Just a thought.

> +1 to this
> if we need some new artwork for the top of the dvd or the case and we can create a ticket with design and get something worked out.
> - Chris Roberts

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