[Fedora-mentors-list] <rave-review at fedoraproject dot org> doesnot work?

David Eisenstein deisenst at gtw.net
Mon Nov 13 06:19:04 UTC 2006

Guess I was not clear.  Sorry.

The web-page
advertises the availability for people who have been mentored to do a "rave
review" of their mentor:

    "If a mentor helps you, it's extremely important to let other people
     know it. The best way to do that is by offering a rave review.

    "If you'd like to rave about a mentor, please send a quick note to
     rave-review at fedoraproject dot org, telling us who the mentor was,
     and how they helped you. The Mentors team will then update the wiki
     with your rave review."

I was wishing to do a rave-review of a mentor.  However, when I tried to
send an email to the address mentioned there, that is, to
   <rave-review at fedoraproject.org>
the mail server there essentially said, "No such address:"

   >>   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
   >> <rave-review at fedoraproject.org>
   >>    (reason: 550 5.1.1 <rave-review at fedoraproject.org>... User unknown)

If the Fedora Mentors program wants to have the availability of rave reviews
to the Fedora community, it would be well to make sure that the email
address that is advertised is actually there, and manned.

Should this problem be forwarded to the Fedora Infrastructure Team?


		Warm regards,

		David Eisenstein

Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:

> What failed?
> rave-review is not registered since you need to be registered to email
> to the list?
> Regards,
> Marc
> <<snip>>
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