[Fedora-mentors-list] adesklets.spec

Jeff Sheltren sheltren at cs.ucsb.edu
Sun Jun 10 11:24:11 UTC 2007

On Jun 10, 2007, at 12:52 AM, Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:
> Double post but I have removed gcc etc from the list here
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/FullExceptionList
> <adesklets.spec>

Hi Marc, I took a look at your spec file.  Now, keep in mind that I  
don't often (ie. ever) do package reviews, but here's my advise FWIW:

Overall the spec looks very good.  I did make a few changes which I  
outline below and are in the attached spec file.  Once you get your  
package built, I would also recommend running rpmlint against it to  
see what it says.

-Use macros for perl, python directories.  Add the python macro  
definition at the top of the spec; perl macro is already defined in rpm.
-Source0 should be a full URL
-I think that naming the patch with the package name-version is helpful
-Try building your package without the 'Requires' line and see if  
rpmbuild is able to automatically pull in requires for at least perl  
& python (I think it will).
-Change %patch to %patch0

Let me know if you have any questions.


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