[Fedora-mentors-list] Joining Fedora Mentors

sankarshan foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 07:18:00 UTC 2009

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan at gmail.com> wrote:

> --- On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Rahul Sundaram
> <sundaram at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> | The mentors sub project has been very dormant for a long time. Although
> | mentoring happens all the time.
> \--
> Ohh! I see Joerg Simon sending those 'mentored by ...' posts when they
> invite new Ambassadors to the group. So, was wondering if the
> discussions are done on this list.

They aren't. But you bring up a fine point. Currently, they are (for
India at least) being processed via the Trac.

sankarshan mukhopadhyay

Sent from Brisbane, Qld, Australia

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