This SIG and the Wiki

Ralph Bean rbean at
Mon Sep 17 23:34:50 UTC 2012

Hello all,

I'm pretty sure this is the first message to this list and I'm
writing mostly to try and re-kick-off the SIG process.

Since the start of the calendar year, I've been hacking pretty hard
on fedmsg but without much consultation with the rest of the SIG as
such.  I tried holding IRC meetings for a while[1], but cancelled
them due to what I felt was inadequate turnout.  I've been reporting
to the infrastructure meetings on Thursday but that's about the
limit of the formal community-building that's been done around the

I just recently got fedmsg's docs to a release-ready state[2].
However, the Messaging_SIG wiki page has languished and is out of
date[3].  Every so often I get someone in #fedora-apps who has
read the wiki page and is understandably mis-informed.

What would you all like to do with that page?  Should it link over
to the fedmsg docs section-by-section?  Should it play some other role?

And what of this list?  We've made a ton of progress in 2012, but
there's still much more to do.  The core fedmsg libraries are stable
enough now that I feel more confident having other people program
against them.  How do other SIGs work (both in theory, and in
practice).  Is increasing participation a priority of ours or do you
feel that the breadth of work being done is sufficient?  I don't have
much experience, here.  :)


[1] -
[2] -
[3] -

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