fedmsg notifications

Ralph Bean rbean at redhat.com
Mon Jun 10 20:55:25 UTC 2013

I started brainstorming some ideas for a general end-user
notification system driven by fedmsg and wrote up my notes here:

I got down to the part about how to specify a users profile when I had
to stop and begin considering all the different notification scenarios
we might want.  I kind of roadblocked on it and I thought I'd write
the list to see what kind of notification capabilities we might want
to have.

Let's just use "email" as our example here: what kinds of "emails"
might users want to receive?

- Emails when your koji build finishes.
- Emails when a koji build for a certain package finishes.
- Emails when any package that you own in pkgdb has a change made to

... hopefully you get the idea.  It would be a help if you could write
the list (or me) with "scenarios" that are important to you.  That
will help me figure out what kind of representation I would need in
the database to handle all these cases.
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