Error building

Erik van Pienbroek erik at
Sat Apr 25 15:54:34 UTC 2009

Op zaterdag 25-04-2009 om 11:42 uur [tijdzone -0300], schreef Fabrício
> I found the problem. But I don't know why.
> This compiles on Windows MinGW, but not in Fedora MinGW:
> Glib::ustring::format(std::setfill('0'), std::setw(2), 30);
> This compiles on Fedora MinGW, but not in Windows MinGW:
> Glib::ustring::format(std::setfill(L'0'), std::setw(2), 30);

It might have something to do with GCC. The GCC used by the MinGW folks
is still 3.4.5, while we are using GCC 4.4 (the latest upstream). Maybe
the people at the MinGW or GCC mailing lists can shed more light on this


Erik van Pienbroek

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