Rewinding the discussion on MinGW+Wine

Paolo Bonzini bonzini at
Tue Jul 28 10:39:00 UTC 2009

>>>> AM_PATH_GLIB_2_0 will detect mismatched header files vs.
>>>> installed libraries, while PKG_CHECK_MODULES, so your solution is not
>>>> 100% equivalent.
>>> So far, in us packaging about 100 packages (many dependent on glib),
>>> this has not proved a problem.
>> Because you do not have Wine installed, so that check is not run.  A
>> user (not a fedora packager) will have it 99% of the time.
> That's strange. I do have wine installed here (with the binfmt stuff
> enabled) and I've never seen that behaviour when using ./configure
> --host=i686-pc-mingw32

Do you have glib2-devel?  That's needed for the bug to trigger for my demo.

Also, you need very up-to-date libglib2.  glib2 was updated to a newer 
2.20.z release after F11, but mingw-glib2 wasn't.

 > > Do you want me to prepare a screencast?!?
 > Might be a good thing

I was serious, actually. :-)


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