Howto set up a chroot build environment for deployment?

Richard W.M. Jones rjones at
Tue Oct 20 13:07:01 UTC 2009

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 11:07:21AM +0200, Per Arnold Blaasmo wrote:
> I am in the need to have a build environment for windows that builds
> every night and that is started from a clean state and ends up in a
> install program.
> Is there any howto or does someone have a setup like this that they can
> share.
> I use 'mock' for building different Linux RPM or DEB packages, but I
> would also like to have something like that for a Windows install file.
> A 'mock' setup that produces a final install file for Windows would be
> great.
> Any tips?

You want something that runs on Fedora, I assume?  You can create NSIS
installers using mingw32-nsis (ie. directly) or using
mingw32-nsiswrapper (our more friendly wrapper around NSIS).

I'm not sure if anyone has ever set this up so it runs from mock
though, since we tend to build either RPMs or DLLs/EXEs directly.

One idea I have used in some programs is to add a 'make wininstaller'
target to the Makefile (invoking NSIS or nsiswrapper to do the job).
That could be automated using one of many different build/test systems
out there, eg.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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