mingw32-nsiswrapper with gtk3

Nerijus Baliunas nerijus at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jul 13 21:16:41 UTC 2011

On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 23:08:30 +0200 Erik van Pienbroek <erik at vanpienbroek.nl> wrote:

> Does this change make nsiswrapper only include gtk3 and not the gtk2
> libraries anymore?

Yes, that was what I needed. But I specifically said "Could nsiswrapper be extended
to support gtk3 too?", it does not mean you should apply this patch as it is :)

> If that's the case then it'll be a change in behavior
> which several people (who are depending on nsiswrapper to bundle the
> gtk2 libraries) probably won't like. I think a better solution would be
> to change the script so that it supports both '--with-gtk2' and
> '--with-gtk3' so that users can decide for themselves whether they want
> to bundle gtk2 or gtk3 with their installers.

Exactly, that is what I meant :) Should I file a bugreport or is package maintainer
here and listening?


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