help needed for auto provides

Farkas Levente lfarkas at
Wed Jun 1 22:12:09 UTC 2011

On 06/01/2011 06:38 PM, Kalev Lember wrote:
> Hi Farkas,
> First of all, do you mind if I ask why you are locally replacing the gcc
> and binutils packages on RHEL 6 with the ones from Rawhide?
> Andrew Beekhof put in a lot of effort to make the RHEL 6 mingw32
> packages as stable as possible. Do you have any specific concerns with
> the RHEL 6 packages which makes them unusable for you?
> I would really like to encourage you to collaborate on either EPEL or
> Fedora packages, instead of doing your own private fork.

first we try that way. our final goal to create the _latest_ gstreamer
packages with all of it's dependencies. unfortunately it's requires
newer packages then the mingw32* in rhel-6.1 optional. and after we
spend more then a day to try to update only specific packages which are
older then gstreamer need and also try to rebuild binutils on 32 bit too
(not to mention bz629209...) we give up.
so now we try from the other end...

> Having said that, the reason why mingw32-gettext and mingw32-gcc you
> took from Rawhide don't produce correct provides in RHEL is because they
> rely on RPM 4.9 features for dependency generation.
> For example, mingw32-gcc used to have manual Provides in its spec file:
> -# We don't run the automatic dependency scripts which would
> -# normally detect and provide the following DLL:
> -Provides: mingw32(libstdc++-6.dll)
> This is all now automatically generated with mingw32-filesystem 68 and
> RPM 4.9.

yes i already found it. even in this case if i've to modify
mingw32-filesystem (ok i know i still has write access but wouldn't like
to disturb) than i add some helper macro to macros.mingw32 something
like this:
%_mingw32_pre_spec \
  %if 0%{?rhel} <= 6 || 0%{?fedora} <= 15 \
    %global __strip %{_mingw32_strip} \
    %global __objdump %{_mingw32_objdump} \
    %global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0 \
    %global __find_requires %{_mingw32_findrequires} \
    %global __find_provides %{_mingw32_findprovides} \
    %define __debug_install_post %{_mingw32_debug_install_post} \
and start every spec file with:
with this little overhead all spec file can work on both rhel and before
fedora 16 and after fedora 16 (ie with rpm-4.9 and before). and even the
spec will be cleaner and simpler.
i may even add %{?_mingw32_debug_package} and the %{_mingw32_pre_spec}
should have to put after the header part.
i know most people do not care about old fedora and even rhel, but such
small help can save a lots of time for a lots of people don't have to
divert all and rewrite all spec file. i always prefer a little bit
longer spec file if this result then it's work on all target.
imho it's the biggest problem that in order to add mingw to rhel Andrew
has to spend more then a few hours...
not to mention Mikkel Kruse Johnsen, Marc-André Lureau etc...
not to mention suse people etc...
just i know w dozen of other people:-(
just my 2c.

  Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"

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