autotool help needed

Erik van Pienbroek erik at
Mon Jun 20 20:57:42 UTC 2011

Farkas Levente schreef op ma 20-06-2011 om 15:44 [+0200]:
> hi,
> in rhel-6 i can't rebuild the pango package since the system autotools
> are too old for pango and they are required for mingw rebuild.
> see my report:
> anyone with autotool knowledge can help me to solve this?
> thanks.

Hi Levente,

I just published an updated mingw-pango package to the mingw-w64 testing
repo which doesn't have a dependency on the autotools anymore. The srpm
can be found at

Could you try if you can get that package build on EL-6? (I don't have
access to an EL-6 environment yet so I can't test it myself..)

Kind regards,

Erik van Pienbroek

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