rhel-6 mingw conclusions

Erik van Pienbroek erik at vanpienbroek.nl
Tue Jun 21 18:17:53 UTC 2011

Farkas Levente schreef op di 21-06-2011 om 15:05 [+0200]:
> hi,
> i try to collect here what i did to be able to rebuild the new mingw-64
> toolchain on rhel-6. most of the modifications i made i'll shourtly
> checkin into Erik's repo:
> http://svn.openftd.org/svn/fedora_cross

Hi Levente,

Actually I asked you to publish your changes for review here first..
Anyway, I'll do the review based on what you already committed:

> first of all add the preamble always extended to the default:
> -------------------------
> %global __strip %{mingw_strip}
> %global __objdump %{mingw_objdump}
> %global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
> %global __find_requires %{mingw_findrequires}
> %global __find_provides %{mingw_findprovides}
> %global __debug_install_post %{mingw_debug_install_post}
> -------------------------
> even if the middle 3 not required on fedora.
> replace all %define to %global (which should have to be fixed on the
> page too:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:MinGW_Future

As you already found out, the __debug_install post really needs to be %
define instead of %global. This has been so ever since the introduction
of this feature. We tried to get it to work with %global, but in the end
we couldn't get it to work so we got stuck with %define (see the mailing
list archives for more details about that). Please revert this change in
the mingw-libjpeg-turbo and mingw-pango packages.

Isn't there a more generic method to add these macros to all packages?
Has anybody tried if it's possible to wrap these %global's and %define's
inside a macro? If that's possible, we could create a generic macro
containing different implementations for Fedora 16 and RHEL6. That way,
everybody will be happy.

> - mingw-crt
> update to 20110620 since d3dx9xof.h only checked in after 20110615.
> unfortunately it's still not working ie the new d3dvideosink in
> gstreamer-bad still not working (but i'm still trying:-)

Okay, good

> also add mingw-w64-crt-autoconf.patch which is the diff between the
> original and "autoreconf --install --force" on f15 so the autoreconf no
> longer needed (since autotool too old on rhel-6).

Could you strip the patch to an absolute minimum? Right now it contains
way too much noise and it also contains changes for non-relevant files:

> - mingw-libtiff
> drop all autotool run (it seems not really neded)

Okay good, this seems to be correct as all old patches have been
incorporated upstream.

> - mingw-sqlite
> if-ed the dll move it doesn't seems to needed on rhel (i don't really
> understand why needed on fedora).

I didn't see a commit for that. What dll did you if-ed ?

> - mingw-win-iconv
> add versioned cmake BR since old cmake can't build it.

Okay, good. Did you already commit this change?

> - none of the mingw-gstreamer* package be able to build with debug
> subpackage!? and i don't know why! i always got error, but now it works
> again!?

You already managed to resolved this issue yourself :)

I also noticed you changed the release number for the mingw-crt and
mingw-headers packages. By doing this you've broken the upgrade path (as
version 1.0-0.1.20110620 is older than 1.0-0.5.20110609). Please revert
this change and stick with the original versioning.

Kind regards,

Erik van Pienbroek

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