help with cmake macro

Erik van Pienbroek erik at
Sat Jun 25 15:47:22 UTC 2011

Farkas Levente schreef op do 23-06-2011 om 00:47 [+0200]:
> hi,
> i try to package opencv for mingw which use cmake. when i try to build
> it i need to add a few params, but i can't do it, because:
> %mingw_cmake "-DENABLE_OPENMP=1"
> but during the build it runs:
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw
> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib
> -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include
> -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib
> -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/etc
> -DSHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/i686-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/share
> -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/share/mingw/toolchain-mingw32.cmake ..
> as you can see the path is NOT the last param which cause problems:-)
> actually i don't understand it since mingw32_cmake defined as:
> %mingw32_cmake() %{mingw32_env} ; \
>   __mingw32_topdir=.; if ! test -f CMakeLists.txt; then
> __mingw32_topdir=..; fi; \\\
>   %__cmake \\\
>         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%{mingw32_prefix} \\\
>         -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:PATH=%{mingw32_libdir} \\\
>         -DINCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{mingw32_includedir} \\\
>         -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{mingw32_libdir} \\\
>         -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%{mingw32_sysconfdir} \\\
>         -DSHARE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%{mingw32_datadir} \\\
>         %{?_cmake_skip_rpath} \\\
>         -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/usr/share/mingw/toolchain-mingw32.cmake \\\
>         $* $__mingw32_topdir
> where the __mingw32_topdir is the last param so when it's called why not
> the last param?
> any help would be useful.
> thanks.

The $* mentioned in the mingw32_cmake macro is a typo. I've just fixed
that in the repo. However, this doesn't solve the real problem.

The issue is that the list of arguments given to the mingw_cmake macro
need to be passed on to the mingw32_cmake and mingw64_cmake macros.
Appararently RPM doesn't like this kind of argument pass-through as can
be seen in this simple example:

$ rpm --eval '
%define macro1() start - %* - end
%define macro2() %{macro1}

%macro2 test

Given the mingw-w64 context, you could interpret macro1 as mingw32_cmake
and macro2 as mingw_cmake (it's basically a simplified version of what
happens inside these macros).

This example returns this result:

start -  - end

(while you would expect 'start - test - end')

I also would be interested in having a method to get the expected

It can be worked-around using something like this:

$ rpm --eval '
%define macro1 start - %* - end
%define macro2() %{macro1}

%macro2 test 

This returns 'start - test - end', but has the side-effect that it
breaks calling %macro1 as can be seen in the next example:

$ rpm --eval '
%define macro1 start - %* - end
%define macro2() %{macro1}

%macro1 test

which returns:
start - %* - end test

Perhaps anybody on this mailing list knows how to properly implemented
such RPM macros ?

Kind regards,

Erik van Pienbroek

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