
Simson Garfinkel simsong at acm.org
Thu Sep 15 16:06:40 UTC 2011

Hi, Erik. Thanks for your help. Comments below:

> From: Erik van Pienbroek <erik at vanpienbroek.nl>
> Subject: Re: -mthreads
> To: "Fedora MinGW (Windows cross-compiler) project"
> 	<mingw at lists.fedoraproject.org>
> Message-ID: <1315751641.31406.8.camel at alguno.terneuzen.openftd.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Simson Garfinkel schreef op zo 11-09-2011 om 10:03 [-0400]:

> If you want to have win64 support, you'd have to enable a special
> testing repository which contains the mingw-w64 toolchain and can create
> binaries for both win32 and win64. This repository also contains gcc
> 4.6, so if you don't want to update to Fedora 16 this should be a good
> enough alternative. More information about that testing repository can
> be found at [1]. The plan is to merge everything in this testing
> repository back to the main Fedora repository once the legal issues are
> resolved.

When I looked at the mingw toolchain several months ago, I could not get it to cleanly install and build on the current Fedora Core at the time. I am now using the current FC and the beta mingw based on gcc 4.6 and have gotten it to work, so I seem to have a working environment that can compile 32-bit and 64-bit windows executables.

> If you stumble across any problems with any of the toolchains, feel free
> to let us know about it so we can help to resolve these issues.

I am having a problem creating multi-threaded executables that are statically linked. Even though I am using the -static flag, the resulting executable has a dependency for pthreadGC2.dll. Unfortunately, for my application we do not wish to have ANY DLL dependencies.

Here is my linkage line:

x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++  -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wall -g -Wno-format  --static -mthreads   -o tigerdeep.exe md5.o sha1.o sha256.o whirlpool.o tiger.o main.o hashlist.o multihash.o display.o hash.o dig.o helpers.o xml.o files.o threadpool.o  -lws2_32 -lgdi32 -liberty -lpthread

The problem seems to be that all of the libraries have been built for dynamic linking.
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