preparing a mingw-llvm package; problems with %mingw_configure environment variables

Eric Smith eric at
Mon May 7 20:19:44 UTC 2012

Kalev Lember wrote:
> Not sure, depends on if there are any apps would actually use it. It 
> might very well be that everything uses pkg-config .pc files instead 
> and the config script is just provided for backwards compatibility. 

The llvm-config script does some fancy dependency analysis of the LLVM 
libraries, which is beyond what could be done with just a .pc file, 
although it seems to me that they could have done that at LLVM build 
time rather than when an app asks for the config.  Maybe I'm overlooking 
something that makes it impractical to have precomputed those 
dependencies at LLVM build time.  In any case, an app's build system 
either has to use that script, or have the relevant stuff hard-coded.

> But if you decide it's worth copying / symlinking it to %{_bindir}, 
> I'd say it should be prefixed with the host triplet, which is the 
> convention that autotools uses for cross tools: 
> i686-w64-mingw32-llvm_config or %{mingw32_host}-llvm_config 

I agree with using the triplet as the prefix.

The generated llvm-config file is for use on the build system, to 
cross-compile programs that use LLVM, so it contains the host filesystem 
paths.  It would be completely useless on Windows, so I don't think it 
should be in %{mingw32_bindir} at all.  Rather than copying or 
symlinking it, I'm actually moving it.

Now I get a .debuginfo package, but rpmlint reports that it doesn't 
actually contain sources. Any ideas on how to fix that?

I've put my latest spec and SRPM at:


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