MinGW review party

Erik van Pienbroek erik at vanpienbroek.nl
Fri May 10 15:11:11 UTC 2013

Sandro Mani schreef op do 09-05-2013 om 23:41 [+0200]:
> On 09.05.2013 20:25, Erik van Pienbroek wrote:
> > Sandro Mani schreef op do 09-05-2013 om 20:24 [+0200]:
> >> I'll start with the first two then move along as time permits.
> > Excellent, I'll start from the top of your list as well
> >
> Erik, just a heads up: the links to SPEC and SRPM in your mingw-qt5-* 
> packages appear to be all dead.

Thanks for the heads-up.
The DNS record of the domain on which the packages initially were
published got expired recently and I had to move everything to a
different location. I'll update the review tickets with the correct link

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