Need some help with libusb-compat

Richard Shaw hobbes1069 at
Mon Oct 28 20:00:58 UTC 2013

I'm trying to verify that the required symbols are in the library since
libusb-compat is really designed to build against libusb, not libusbx. I've
gotten this far:

$ x86_64-w64-mingw32-nm -uC libusb_la-core.o
         U atexit
         U fprintf
         U fputc
         U free
         U _imp___errno
         U _imp___iob
         U libusb_bulk_transfer at 24
         U libusb_claim_interface at 8
         U libusb_clear_halt at 8
         U libusb_close at 4
         U libusb_control_transfer at 32
         U libusb_detach_kernel_driver at 8
         U libusb_exit at 4
         U libusb_free_config_descriptor at 4
         U libusb_free_device_list at 8
         U libusb_get_bus_number at 4
         U libusb_get_config_descriptor at 12
         U libusb_get_device_address at 4
         U libusb_get_device_descriptor at 8
         U libusb_get_device_list at 8
         U libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii at 16
         U libusb_init at 4
         U libusb_interrupt_transfer at 24
         U libusb_kernel_driver_active at 8
         U libusb_open at 8
         U libusb_ref_device at 4
         U libusb_release_interface at 8
         U libusb_reset_device at 4
         U libusb_set_configuration at 8
         U libusb_set_debug at 8
         U libusb_set_interface_alt_setting at 12
         U libusb_unref_device at 4
         U malloc
         U memcpy
         U memset
         U __ms_vsnprintf
         U sprintf
         U strerror
         U vfprintf
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