dependencies to development packages

Michel Alexandre Salim michael.silvanus at
Sat Oct 3 02:46:38 UTC 2009


On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Paul Lange <palango at> wrote:
>> > banshee -> boo -> nant
>> >
>> The nant thing is annoying, indeed. We could split off
>> Boo.NAnt.Tasks.dll into a separate subpackage or put it in boo-devel.
>> Paul, thoughts?
>> Once we fix both of these in -devel, we can probably build these for
>> F-12 and get these manually tagged (beta freeze is in effect).
> Hey,
> sorry for answering that late but my notebooks energy supply broke down and I'm still waiting for the new one to arrive.
Sorry to hear that! Happened to me a few months back, but luckily, a
colleague has a compatible power adapter. Hope you get yours soon.

> Seems like a good idea to put Boo.NAnt.Task.dll in boo-devel. However I do not understand why there's a dependency. In the spec-file itself there're only BuildRequires which shouldn't make problems.
> I can't make any changes at least for the next week, so feel free to fix this if you have some spare time.
Mono runtime dependencies are automatically calculated:
$ ls /usr/lib/rpm/*mono*
/usr/lib/rpm/mono-find-provides  /usr/lib/rpm/mono-find-requires

But yes, I'm equally puzzled. As I mentioned, if mono-nunit-devel is
installed during build, banshee ends up depending on mono-nunit at
runtime. .NET might have solved Microsoft's DLL hell, but Mono, at
least, has some quirks for us packagers in the Linux world :p

Michel Alexandre Salim

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