Stable RedHat mono package

David Nielsen gnomeuser at
Tue Oct 6 07:11:00 UTC 2009

2009/10/5 <chuchiehliu at>

>  New to Linux and mono.  Looking for a newest stable version of RedHat
> mono.
> I found a mono-1.9.1_2-installer.bin from web.  Installed it and it seems
> work on a simple Xdevelop Forms apps I wrote.  When I wrote a simple
> MonoDevelop 2.2 Beta 1 Forms apps, it run fine on Windows but won’t run on RedHat
> (ver 2.6 I believe).  It will fail when I do this “mono MyApps.exe” (which
> works for a similar Xdevelop apps).  NOTE: I set the MONO_PATH=”.../
> mono-1.9.1/lib” directory.  Thus I would like to start from getting the
> newest stable RedHat mono package first.
> Thanks,
> Jerry
> RedHat has made it abundantly clear that they do not wish to support nor
ship Mono for their RHEL products. You can either complain as a paying
customer and hoping they will listen or buy your service from a vendor such
as Novell whose excellent SuSE Linux Enterprise Desktop comes with superb
Mono support.

Sorry for being so blunt, Red Hat hates Mono and there is to the best of my
knowledge nobody interested in doing Mono as a EPEL project to add support.

You can also use Fedora for which the nice people on this list provides
support, but that is definitely not an enterprise ready product.

Kind regards,
David Nielsen
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