inconsistency between sources at Fedora and upstream

Christian Krause chkr at
Wed Oct 21 21:27:40 UTC 2009


Christian Krause wrote:
> I do only ask for an update in F10 to the official most recent version
> of mono 2.2, so that we got the latest bug fixes for this mono release
> (and we'll make some f-spot users happy).
>>     But I would also suggest to update F10's mono package to the official
>>     2.2 release since it would solve problems as I was looking for at the
>>     beginning and most likely it will contain also some more bug fixes from
>>     upstream.
>>     Since I'd like to get this bug fixed in F10 as fast as possible, I'd
>>     like to volunteer to do it (if somebody could approve my commit
>>     permissions ;-) ).
> Michel, Paul:
> Does the following list is also your view of Fedora's mono support:
> F12: mono 2.4, and later mono 2.6 when it's ready
> F11: mono 2.4
> F10: mono 2.2
> Would it be also OK with you if I would update F10's mono to the
> official 2.2 version? In this case I would have to revert the 2.4 update
> in CVS in the F-10 branch, but this should not be a problem.

Just a small heads-up:

Since no objection was raised, I'm going to do the mentioned update in
F10 from mono 2.2 pre-release to the official release of mono 2.2.

I've created the following bug report to track the issue:

Best regards,

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